Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Canada Day

On Canada Day
Everyone's from somewhere else,
Sings like refugees.

Floor 4.5

June 26

An awkward angle
Spills pale light from office eyes
Onto sleeping head.


Working late last night,
Would have wished you had called me,
But I have no phone.


June 6

Before English hours
Fruit sellers and men on bikes
Make the city day.

Memorable Weekend

Brilliant new freckles
And late laughter of great friends
Glow strong on shoulders.

Computer fun

May 23

Now they're on to us:
Google chat forever banned
From work computers.

Let me tell you, O,
These days, art is hard to do
While making money.

Let's start a hai-coup
Viva la revolucion!
more art! less money!

Haiku train

Owen's election, May 15

Give a speech, they said,
As they censored the hard parts.
He stood up, smiled and...

May 9

Warm late nights to come
In neighbour-spotted darkness
We'll sweat in silence

April 20

White shirt walking by
Looks like bird flying slowly
Across dark window